Friday 8 February 2013


After our Torres Del Paine adventure we transited through Punta Arenas where an unexpected home stay, a trip to the movies and some much needed healthy food post trekking put us in good stead to continue the trip south!

Finally we arrived in Ushuaia, the most southern city on the continent of Sth America. Completing a long and exciting trip from the most northern point of the continent. Ushuaia consisted of day treks which provided beautiful views over the city and the beagle channel. It also consisted of some baking. Nada mas.

Some killer transit took us from the very south of the country to the very north. We landed bleary eyed in Puerto Iguazu for Iguazu Falls! A temperature swing of 6 million degrees ensured that we both brought sweaty back after a long southern exposure!

Completely stoked to see the famous waterfalls, we rose early after a solid evening shopping, eating and generally reheating our chilly bones in the wonderful subtropical heat! All we can say is wowsa! First viewing was from the Argentinian side.Our first experience was at the Garganta del Diablo (Throat of the Devil) which is where the falls pile down an 80m drop in an awe inspiring display of intense pressure, spray and noise. Wonderful walkways allow panoramic views of the falls as well as the ability to stand on top of and beneath these mighty falls! All the while trying to stay out of the way of cheeky Coatis who are trying to steal your food distracting you with their cute faces!

The next day we went to see the Brazilian side. After being advised that Brett would be able to do so (Australians need visas and his was completely invalid so many months on!) as the Brazilian immigration allow an unstamped one day visit to their side. However this did not stop some kind of drama! Australians also are required to carry proof of their reciprocy fee which is needed for entry in to Argentina! After being stamped out of Argentina he realised that he was not carrying it! Therefore was in no mans land as Brazil did not stamp him in! For a few hours Brett Herskope did not exist! The internet was located on the Brazilian side. Phew! However the website that had proof of payment was not working! Perfect! How will he get back in to Argentina? Printed on a very unprofessional looking piece of paper, we printed the receipt sent to his email which lacked all the relevant details that are on the real certificate! It would have to do! So after a period of stress we could go and enjoy the Brazilian side of these magnificent falls!

The Brazilian side, literally across the river from where we were the day before allows a panorama of the whole national park. It was breath taking. It resembled a Garden of Eden, or a setting from a Pure Blonde ad! We were told that the Argentinian side was better, but our favourite was easily the Brazilian side. A walk way right benath some of the falls allowed a complete drenching and a walk through the unbelievable mist created by the water as it pounds in to the valley! Rainbows created by the reflection off the water added to the mystique as well!

The falls certainly helped us forget that Brett may get stuck on the border but this was relieved as we pulled up at the Argentine immigration. Everybody was stamped through and on the bus except Brett. The official looked at Brett, looked at the receipt, looked at his computer, listened to Brett´s explanation and after much deliberation allowed Brett back in to Argentina! Success!

Buenos Aires was on the agenda as we headed south again, but first we overshot the lovely capital and spent 3 days beaching in Villa Gesell. The days were passed, walking, swimming, tanning, eating fresh fruit and pretty much passing the time relaxing among chilled out Porteños (People from Buenos Aires).

Next up Buenos Aires!

Shopping, shopping, shopping, walking, shopping, eating, drinking, sleeping, eating and sleeping were the order of the day. Sampling all the meat, red wine and local culture that we could a week zipped past right before our eyes. The colour of La Boca (mainly blue and yellow of course), cafe and independent designer culture of Palermo, bohemian and traditional vibe of San Telmo mixed together with some drumming groups (La Bomba de Tiempo), Porteño style pizza (still baked the same since 1938 - crunchy fluffy crust without cheese at Angelinos!), Tango at the San Telmo Sunday market as well as some delicious hole in the wall asados (bbq´s) ensured an excellent taste of an amazing city! Oh and lets not forget a few sneaky empanadas too! We also timed it coincedentally to bump in to Ash and Leighton again by chance as we walked in to the same store they were shopping in! Very small world!

Drum roll please, and the reason why we hoofed it north and headed south again, we were heading back to Ushuaia to go on a cruise to ANTARCTICA!! We were lucky enough to come across an amazing last minute deal that with a little nudge from Gisy´s parents we decided to cough up for! Cheers Ron and Ange!

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